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海淀Working principle of leather embossing machine

author: Release time:2021-08-29 09:37:27click:1085

Information summary:

Leather embossing machine can also be called high frequency embossing machine, high cycle embossing machine and high cycle imprinting machine. It mainly adopts the moment when high-voltage rectifier self-excited high cycle electron tube generates oscillation, which leads to electromagnetic wave current and electric field, so it can be used to process plastic glue and leather materials of PVC, TPU, EVA, PET and other materials. As materials can generate polar friction force and heat on internal molecules of materials in electromagnetic wave electric field, and finally achieve the function of branding, fusion and sealing on leather, plastic, plastic and other materials under a certain pressure, these are the general working processes of leather embossing machine

There are many kinds of embossing machines, so we will not repeat them one by one here. Today, we will focus on leather embossing machines. Leather embossing machine can also be called high frequency embossing machine, high cycle embossing machine and high cycle imprinting machine. It mainly adopts the moment when high-voltage rectifier self-excited high cycle electron tube generates oscillation, which leads to electromagnetic wave current and electric field, so it can be used to process plastic glue and leather materials of PVC, TPU, EVA, PET and other materials. As materials can generate polarized friction force and heat on internal molecules of materials in electromagnetic wave electric field, and finally achieve the function of branding, fusion and sealing on leather, plastic and plastic materials under a certain pressure, these are the general working processes of leather embossing machine.

Its main working principle is that the high frequency and large current of the embossing machine flows to the winding heating coil, which is also known as the red copper tube, so that a strong magnetic beam with instantaneous polarization transformation is generated in the coil, and then the magnetic beam is transmitted to the leather surface through the mold. In the opposite direction of the leather and the heating current, there will be a corresponding strong eddy current. However, due to the resistance in the leather material body, a lot of joule heat will be generated on the leather surface, and finally the temperature of the leather itself will rise rapidly, so as to leave a mark on the leather, plastic, rubber and other surfaces.

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